You need to charge the first PBS medicine that reaches or exceeds the PBS Safety Net threshold, at the reduced rate. This dispensed PBS medicine is the first prescription that can be supplied with a PBS Safety Net card.
For example, a general patient gives you a prescription to fill. The medicine will cost $15.50. Their prescription record form is $10 under the general threshold amount. The cost of the medicine you supply will put them over the threshold. You can issue a Safety Net concession card and charge the concessional rate for that prescription.
In another example, a concessional patient gives you a prescription to fill. The medicine will cost $7.70. Their prescription record form is $269.50. The cost of the medicine will reach the threshold exactly. You can issue a Safety Net entitlement card and supply the prescription free of charge.
You can issue a safety net card and supply the whole script at the safety net amount if the medicine being supplied is Section 49 and reaches the threshold exactly or exceeds their threshold. Section 49 was previously Regulation 24.
You can’t issue the PBS Safety Net card until you’re dispensing the prescription that will exactly reach or exceed the PBS Safety Net threshold. The patient’s prescription record form must show the threshold prescription, even if the amount is zero.